Tuesday, August 20, 2013


       Violence may manifest itself in society in several different forms. It is not necessary that the violence will occur only in that form, in which it is seen occurring today. Also there may be increase in its intensity and frequency, from time to time and place to place. Many of us may be aware of its presence in different aspects of our daily life. But the seriousness of the matter is in its taking a wild form & making encroachments in many aspects of the society. Talking or desiring ill of someone and thinking selfishly only about our own self, is also one form of violence, whether done at work place or home place. Most of us do not want that violence should manifest itself in any form or it should spread or become large in size, let alone gigantic in shape. But we may not think adequately about it, or about actions for containing it.  Though one person may not be able to solve such big problems but sometimes even one man can perform a miracle. 
          If the employees in any organization are satisfied & happy & do not have many problems from their family side, then they can concentrate their mind on the workplace, otherwise, their attention may waver from there & the work may get affected. It may be considered an intelligent move to take all employees and other connected persons along with us. But some persons may adopt the policy of “divide and rule”. It is also a fact that the employees do not get organized themselves properly. One organization may have more than one union, with the result they seldom have same opinion on specific matters. But it may be in the interest of the organization for the management to take everybody together & to take adequate care of the interests of the employees. This should include facilities at workplace and also their training, promotion, career-progress, suitable salary during service and sufficient facilities for the time of retirement. The progress of the organization is no doubt, the basic point, but it can be achieved with the cooperation of all employees & other connected persons. It will be better if the employees are permanent, so that at least they and their families can lead normal life. In case the employees will always have the sword of dismissal over their head, then in this fearful atmosphere, the contribution of the employees may be inadequate
         Generally there may be a wide gap between the owners and the senior officials and employees in any organization, especially in private organizations, which are generally motivated by a spirit of profit. The working hours of the owners and the senior officers are normally very long e.g. 10-14 hours per day, but they get well paid in the form of salary and perks, though they may not get adequate time to interact with their families, due to which sometimes the families may feel bad. Sometimes the seniors may treat their employees with less respect. Also, in spite of completing the work, the employees may not get sufficient salary for a living. They may face many difficulties for looking after their family members adequately. Sometimes, they may have to even look for other sources for earning money, like some other additional service, business etc. so that they can increase their monthly income. It is even possible that some persons may take up wrong paths. No employee would like to be involved in any of such activities for making the family financially better and sound, but sometimes the circumstances may force him to take up such a step. At that time the employee is not inclined to give attention to its long-term effects, disadvantages and losses, because he is turned towards the short-term benefits only. But when he finally becomes aware of the long-term effects, it becomes too late and the things get from bad to worse, especially for the families, who have to bear the damages thus caused. Its effect is also felt on the work of the employees in their organizations, on their production, work efficiency, quality of work, cooperation & mutual relationship etc. As a result, the owners and the senior level officers may exploit and threaten such employees with removal from service or may even remove them. In such conditions, the employees may take recourse to strikes, but this also is a collective decision and still they have to face the consequences.
         The dealings with the employees in all cases may not be made in a human manner and adequate attention and care may not be given for the welfare and facilities of the members of their families. Employees are generally under pressure for increasing the quantity of production as much as possible, but having the specified quality. But the basic facilities and amenities at the workplace for carrying out the work satisfactorily may also be deficient in quality and quantity. It is well known that a happy and satisfied employee can do a lot for his organization. It is essential to make the employees realize that the organizations where they are working are as much theirs, as these are of the owners and the senior officers. For achieving improvements, we need information & suggestions from, and contribution and cooperation of everyone. It has been observed that the persons, who are directly connected with any work, have better awareness, knowledge and experience of the problems associated with that work. They are more likely to offer suitable suggestions for performing the works in a better way, provided someone asks for suggestions, considers and implements them. In case the employees will be thinking the whole day about the basic problems of their families, then they are unlikely to think properly about the company work & improvements therein. This point should be understood fully well by all concerned. Our all actions should be done with maturity of deep thinking & not in a casual & sudden manner, with regular communications, without aggravating the situations.  . 
              Compiled and presented by vijaiksharma, as a result of discussions in the meetings with Saturday Group Members Dr. L K Kothari, Dr. D K Jain, Mr. Surendra Bothara, Mr. Shri Gopal Garg and Mr. Vijai K Sharma at Jaipur.



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